Opening Hours: Sun - Fri: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Janakalyan Saving and Credit Cooperative Institution Ltd is a financial institution registered in the District Cooperative Office Surkhet on Jestha 28 2052 BS.The working area of the organization is presently at Birendranagar municipality ward no. 1 to 14 and Barahatal village municipality ward no. 9 and 10. When this organization is legally registered, This organization has the capital of Rs 7250 and currently has a total capital of over 250 million. At the time of the establishment of the cooperative, there was a provision that there should be a minimum of 25 members for the registration of the organization, but now there are more than 2500 share members in the organization.
Janakalyan Saving and Credit Cooperative Institution Ltd is located at Birendranagar Municipality ward no. 1 of karnali Pradesh.The organization has its own house, land and other physical infrastructure as required. This Janakalyan SACOS, Nepal Savings and Credit Central Cooperative Union Ltd. (Nefskun) has been refining and modifying the financial, administrative and good governance and member service programs of the organization by agreeing on the program 'Probation' to measure the quality.The first three years of the organization's strategic business plan is being implemented and various activities are being carried out to realize the vision of 'Community's Best Financial and Business SACOS'.
The basic objective of the Janakalyan Savings and Credit Cooperative is to motivate the members to get in the habit of saving regularly from their income. To improve the socio-economic condition of its members by investing in loans at reasonable interest rates to help its members to overcome financial crisis including skill-based income generating programs from the collected savings and to carry out various community development and empowerment works. In addition, the organization has been carrying out various social activities in the course of its responsibility towards the community and the environment.